Pendaftaran Festival Timur Tengah Universitas Indonesia VII 2016


Bagi kamu yg belum sempat mendaftar Lomba FTT 2016, tak usah berkecil hati 🙂

PENDAFTARAN DIPERPANJANG hingga 23 April 2016 pukul 21.00!!!

Tunggu apa lagi, buruan mendaftar dan unjuk gigi di pergelaran Nasional!

Selamat bertanding!

Festival Timur Tengah UI VII 2016

From Your Psychiatric

Do you ever wonder about what happen in your life? Like something unexplainable or sth that unusual.

You just realize everything that happen in your life is structured by Allah.
Everything has theory.
And the theory has key to your problem.

I want to remind you, everything is going better. In your Ups or in your Downs. You have the keys.
Stop wondering
Stop backstabbing
Just Ask me.

Cause people nowadays seems like wanting the worse to happen.
Including you.

Cause people nowadays aren’t knowing the truth, they’re just wondering the same thing.
Including you.

Why dont you ask me first?

Your Psychiatric